Thursday, April 24, 2008

Information Ethics Town Hall Meeting - April 23, 2008

The Town Hall Meeting was the kick-off event for the MN SLA Ethics initiative.

The Town Hall Meeting was designed to encourage and collect anecdotes, stories, and examples of information ethics in practice (or not in practice) at your library or organization.

The event started off with an explanation of the SLA 2008 Ethics initiative by our chapter's Ethics Ambassador, Kaia Densch.

This introduction was followed a presentation entitled, "Information Ethics and the Social Web" by Cody Hanson. Cody highlighted the ethical concerns of social technologies--encouraging discussion of the tensions between Privacy, Intellectual Property, and Information as a Resource.

Cody challenged the crowd to wonder:
  • Is it Worth Trading your Privacy for the Services you Desire?
  • Does Good Customer Service Require We Break All the Rules about Guarding Privacy?

Cody's presentation stimulated many questions & insights from the crowd.

The Q&A triggered so much discussion they preempted the other planned events.

Kaia suggested we continue the conversation. An e-survey will be sent to the membership and the MN SLA Information Ethics Blog was launched. You are invited to be involved in the on-going gathering of data from our Chapter on the key information ethics issues to help craft official ethics guidelines for the Association.


Anonymous said...

I made some comments on the presentation at my own weblog. You can read them at Information Privacy and Organizations and A Privacy Experiment.

I basically agree that individual privacy is a lost/losing cause. The question I worry about is organizational privacy/confidentiality. If companies can see us but we can't see them then the potential for abuse grows.

I don't know how this fits into professional ethics yet but I'm still working on it.

cody said...

Thanks to everyone who attended the town hall meeting. I hope the presentation and conversation were useful for your consideration of information ethics. My slides are now online. I look forward to an ongoing discussion on these issues!

Anti Money Laundering said...

Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.

staying healthy said...

thanks for sharing the minutes of the talk.